1/32 Spitfire Mk Vc Conversion set for Tamiya Spitfire Mk IX (60319)
Comprehensive Set containing 3d printed, Masks and instruction to convert the Tamiya MkIX kit to Mk Vc standard.
46 3D printed Parts comprising:
- Short Merlin Nose (CB Factory Upper Cowling)
- Classic lower cowling with short caburetor intake
- Vokes lower cowling with Trop carburetor intake
- Add-on optional Ice guard grill for both carb intake
- Fishtail 3 stack exhausts
- Rotol Spinner with Jablo wooden propeller blades
- de Havilland CS Spinner with metal propeller blades
- de Havilland Hydromatic Spinner with metal paddle propeller blades
- Lower wing insert with round oil cooler (2 types of fairing: straight & trop exhaust)
- Large Teardrop canon access panels
- Outer 20mm canons (to be combiner with kit innercanons for a 4x 20mm arrangement)