Spitfire XIV Instrument Panel
  • Spitfire XIV Instrument Panel
  • Spitfire XIV Instrument Panel
  • Spitfire XIV Instrument Panel
  • Spitfire XIV Instrument Panel
  • Spitfire XIV Instrument Panel
  • Spitfire XIV Instrument Panel

Spitfire XIV Instrument Panel

14,52 €

Physical printed sample

1/32 Spitfire XIV Instrument Panel (& frame) for Tamiya Spitfire + MkXIV Conversion (LFD32-001/002)


Spitfire XIV Instrument panel + Frame 8.

Multi part dashboard to keep the intrument faces at a realistic level from the front part.

This set is intended to be used in conjuction with other manufacturers instrument face decals (Airscale, Anyz, ..) 

The instruction for the instrument types refers to Airscale "AS32 RAF - WW2 Instrument Dial Decals"
*Decal Sheet NOT Provided*

The whole frame 8 is provided, with the very visible piping on the left hand side.
The rear top part is designed to provide extra strength to the resin nose assembly

It is possible to order a downloadable version of this set, see the digital download Area.

6 Produits